Sexual Masterclass Posts

Receiving a massage can be a very intimate experience for almost every man. In fact, the act of being touched by the right person can be as relaxing as it is sexually arousing. It is not at all uncommon for men to develop solid erections on the massage table, leaving them searching for a way to relieve all of that erotic tension.

If your partner is like the majority of women out there, then you’ve probably noticed on more than one occasion that the best way for her to achieve an orgasm during intercourse is simply for her to be on top during the act. You may have chalked it up to this position just being “her thing”, but what if there are real concrete reasons for it to work so well for her?

Romancing the shyest of women can be an extremely difficult and frustrating task. She may take actions that make it seem like she’s not at all interested in you on some days, while on others, she seems to be all over you. Shy women don’t intend to send out mixed signals like that, it’s just how they can seem. Here are some tips to break through her shyness and romance her in no uncertain terms.

This guide is for informational purposes only. It is not designed to treat, cure or diagnose any disease, health problem, or other medical condition. Before attempting any of the exercises or using any of the information contained in this guide you should consult a doctor or qualified medical physician. This guide is for informational purposes only and is not a substitute for medical advice.

You may or may not have heard of the PC muscle. It is a very important muscle when it comes to lasting longer in bed and is one of your greatest assets during level 3 arousal. If you can use these following techniques properly, you will be able to extend your time in level 3 before arriving at level 4.

There is tons of information out there about the PC muscle. It can also be referred to as the BC muscle, but for simplicity, we’ll stick with PC. I highly recommend doing some of your own research into this muscle, if you’re so inclined.

So, what is it? The best way to describe it is as the muscle you use to stop your flow when you’re urinating. You can feel yourself contracting a specific muscle when you do that, and it is the very same PC muscle that is part of your ejaculatory reflex. It goes without saying that it’s a very important part of your body.